Just in: Elon Musk Offers Tucker Carlson Position as Twitter CEO Following Fox News Firing

Just in: Elon Musk Offers Tucker Carlson Position as Twitter CEO Following Fox News Firing

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has unexpectedly offered former Fox News personality Tucker Carlson the job of CEO of the social media site.

This comes just days after Carlson was fired from her position as Fox News host due to claims of sexism.

Elon Musk, who is famous for his erratic behavior and offbeat business strategies, announced the news on Twitter.

“I’m pleased to welcome Tucker Carlson as Twitter’s new CEO. I look forward to seeing what he does with the platform,” he wrote.

Many have expressed surprise and disbelief about the decision, and others have questioned Musk’s decision and Carlson’s suitability for the position.

After all, Carlson is more well-known for his knowledge of technology or social media than he is for his controversial viewpoints and polarizing statements.

However, in Musk’s opinion, Carlson is the ideal candidate to guide Twitter into the future. “Tucker has a proven track record of connecting and activating people,” he said. “That’s what Twitter needs right now.”

Despite his doubts, Carlsen is taking the situation seriously. In a statement to the media, he expressed his excitement at the opportunity to take up this new project. He announced, “I am honored to be selected as the new CEO of Twitter. I look forward to contributing and bringing my unique perspective to this important position.”

How this strange alliance will progress, only time can tell. But one thing is certain: With Musk and Carlson in charge, Twitter will undoubtedly get even more intriguing.

19 thoughts on “Just in: Elon Musk Offers Tucker Carlson Position as Twitter CEO Following Fox News Firing”

  1. Wow this is wonderful I love Tucker he was the reason we watched Fox!!! And Elon you are my hero. Such a great team you two will make. Let’s get the America back !!!

  2. We need Tucker’s opinions on the things going on in our country. I’m glad he’s happy with this position, but does this mean we won’t be hearing from him.

  3. Thank You Elon Musk ! You are a Great Leader in Technology ! A
    Smart man who makes good decisions ! Fox loss is Our 🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏 Gain !

  4. Excelente decisión del señor Elion Musk en estos momentos en que la izquierda pretende controlar toda la prensa y la televisión. Esperemos que el señor Carlsen acepte para que nos siga teniendo informados de todos los aconteceres sin censura.
    Necesitamos ver la luz.

  5. Best choice for this position. Carlson has the experience to
    lead Twitter to the next level.
    Elon musk made the right decision,picked the right man for the right position.

  6. Absolutely beautiful Elon.Many thanks to you for safeguarding our freedom of speech.I am sure Tucker will rise to the occasion.🙏🙏💖

  7. Fabulous news…Fox made a very bad decision on kicking Tucker out….I never..never missed his nightly show. Knew Tucker would land quickly into a good slot. Hurray

  8. Glad to see the truth will shine at Twitter. With Carlsen and Musk it’s going to out do anything that comes from Google or Facebook. Let Tucker take the reins and Elon can get more time with SpaceX and get use to Marrs.

  9. This is awesome news. Elon Musk did it again. Love both of them. With a brain like Elon and an excellent no nonsense communicator like Tucker Carlson. For sure I will follow them. Thanks Elon if this true and not Fake News!

  10. Awesome news. If True and not Fake News. This as an excellent partnership. Elon did it again. With a Brain like Elon and excellent unafraid Tucker, this will an awesome partnership to follow. Thanks Elon.


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