Just in: Elon Musk plans to buy Disney

Just in: Elon Musk plans to buy Disney

In a move that stunned both the business and entertainment worlds, Elon Musk has announced his plans to buy Disney.

Sources close to Musk have pointed out that the billionaire entrepreneur has long been a fan of Disney and its many properties, which include Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar.

An insider said, “Elon has always loved the magic of Disney.” “He sees the company as a perfect addition to his growing empire.”

The news has been met with mixed reactions, with some expressing concern about what a Musk-owned Disney might look like. “I’m not sure how I feel about Iron Man,” said one skeptical fan on Twitter. “It doesn’t feel right.”

But Musk dismissed these concerns, saying he has bigger plans for the company. “Disney is a beloved brand with a rich history and an incredibly loyal fan base,” he said in a statement.

“I believe that by combining the creative talent at Disney with the technical expertise at SpaceX and Tesla, we can create something truly special.”

Some industry analysts have speculated that Musk’s ultimate goal may be to launch a space-themed Disney park with a zero-gravity roller coaster and immersive Mars simulation.

But for now, it remains to be seen how this acquisition pans out. One thing’s for sure: If Musk does eventually become Disney’s boss, we can expect some real entertainment in the years to come.

2 thoughts on “Just in: Elon Musk plans to buy Disney”

  1. Disney has been begging for help, both corporately, as in its corporate identity to the world, during the past two decades. It has lost some of its corporate image integrity—due to sociopolitical pressure—and it has lead to loosing a lot of its past luster and ability to create (truly creative) entertainment, letting to its present status of its manipulation of the entertainments arts directed to both children and adults, which—at Disney—are supposed to be fun and not a social hub of psychosocial issues such as transgenderism, sexual standards, racial bias and all such topics that should not be mixed with America’s and the world’s premiere theme park destination.

  2. Can you really but FB and Disney, I heard your very rich but that’s beyond comprehension!? But if so you might be able to to put the evils out of business! Hallelujah and thank youGod bless and prayers Mr. Elon Musk!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💕💕💕🙏🏻🙏🏻🤔


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