ABC declines to renew Whoopi Goldberg’s contract under Elon Musk’s leadership America❤️

Breaking: Whoopi Goldberg Bashes Jason Aldean’s Hit on ‘The View’, Gets Kicked Out Immediately

Breaking: Whoopi Goldberg Bashes Jason Aldean’s Hit on ‘The View’, Gets Kicked Out Immediately

In an even more surprising twist than finding a healthy salad at a country fair, respected co-host Whoopi Goldberg was kicked off the set of ‘The View’ after criticizing Jason Aldean’s new hit, “Try That in a Small Town.” Now, controversy is nothing new to Goldberg – his career has been built on standing his … Read more

ABC declines to renew Whoopi Goldberg’s contract under Elon Musk’s leadership

ABC declines to renew Whoopi Goldberg’s contract under Elon Musk’s leadership

In a shocking move, ABC announced yesterday that it will not be renewing Whoopi Goldberg’s contract as host on the popular talk show ‘The View.’ The decision, according to sources close to the network, was made at the urging of none other than billionaire entrepreneur and tech mogul Elon Musk. According to these sources, Musk, … Read more