Elon Musk Just EXPOSED Apple And The iPhone!

Elon Musk Just EXPOSED Apple And The iPhone!

Apple appears to be the most successful company after Elon Musk, it’s also a good tweeting. Apple Shuts Down Most Ads on Twitter Do They Hate Free Speech in America? Elon Musk isn’t slowing down this time.

He’s just busting Apple and the iPhone Why is Elon Musk busting Apple and the iPhone and is the battle heating up Join us today as we reveal all about Elon Musk How and Why Elon Musk is the leader of entrepreneurs are leaders.

They know every hack to take businesses to the top, but one cannot ignore their philanthropic side, they have always cared for humanity and spoken for their own benefit, a struggle between an apple and an oyster . never ends. Musk has not only targeted Apple for manipulating the market.

Elon Musk has also filed a complaint against the High Commission in the App Store for depriving people of their basic right to freedom of expression. But the battle between the companies started years ago when in 2015 Musk made a joke about Tesla saying that Tesla’s worst employees were going to join his company. Musk also said that he calls Apple the graveyard of Tesla.

i.e. if an employee fails to perform in tesla he can go to apple, this doesn’t stop in 2016, Elon Musk tried to replace CEO of Apple Tim Trucks, at that time Tim tried to buy Apple Musk Tried said he wanted to take the CEO position and Cook agreed. Musk has said that he wants to be CEO of both Tesla and Apple.

But Cook explicitly disagreed with these developments in 2018 when Musk said in an interview that Apple products were losing their innovation, adding that while he didn’t deny the iPhone’s amazing features, people still use the phone. We do. But Musk pointed out that Apple made great products that were used to surprise people.

Elon Musk wants to avoid the mistakes Apple is making. He said that people are no longer running down the stores to buy the iPhone because Apple has lost consumer interest. Apple wants to create a product unlike Tesla. Technology isn’t just about bettering yourself as an iPhone user.

He is dissatisfied with using some of the updated features. On November 22, Musk revealed that he declared war on Apple, exposing every part of it. He said that the company is monopolizing the market. hindrance to freedom of expression. He tweeted whether Apple has blocked ads on Twitter, whether they hate free speech.

Elon Musk further revealed that Apple threatened to remove Twitter from the App Store if this happened and that Musk plans to make his own smartphone.

Elon Musk was sure the company would act soon One of Apple’s senior executives, Phil Schiller, promptly deleted his Twitter account shortly after Musk famously unblocked US President Donald Trump’s account.

That same month, Musk criticized Apple for taking a 30% commission, which is 30 percent of all purchases at the Apple Store. Musk has repeatedly expressed his concern about high fees, which is why he may argue in 2021. In view of which they are called Global Internet Tax.

Apple has a huge stake in maintaining the tax, although Apple is mostly recognized as a technology firm, it has been moving more into software services in recent years, while in-app purchase fees are a $19 billion business. Like last year, almost all the money was focused on the most favorite games and applications.

This includes its own subscription services for music and video which will no doubt apply to Embrace. The social network, which has been handling large subscription and payment transactions since Elon Musk joined Twitter, has realized that Apple’s commission could affect their earnings as well. There were some serious measurements to be taken on whether Apple threatened Twitter’s existence on iOS.

Elon Musk has played a role in temporarily eliminating the Apple tax with his Twitter Blue membership and authentication service, and in the long haul, morphs Twitter into an all-in-one app. Payment Processing He intends to pay a large portion of Twitter’s revenue directly to avoid paying the Apple fee He recently postponed the release of Twitter Blue.

Reportedly looking for a model that doesn’t signup through iOS, she also took to her Twitter account to ask people whether or not Apple provides freedom of speech, which she said in The Wall Street Journal. Muska reports on all censorship-related matters following Wired. For the sake of customers, many advertisers have started leaving the site.

In which it is said that they have started focusing on other internet sources including Tiktok Instagram and Google Apple is one of the biggest advertisers on Twitter. The company has already spent around $39 million on advertising on the social media network for 10 months, but now that Apple has claimed to have removed the app from the App Store, the tech giant feels it has lost the trust of the people.

In a meeting with Tim Crook and company it was decided to roll back this decision. Musk has also said that Apple had resumed buying ads on social networking sites before Elon Musk. Twitter and Apple have a mutually beneficial relationship. Apple has always announced its product on its website but after constant rivalry in these events things have changed now.

Trading Musk takes advantage of this to target Apple Elon Musk will always take a dig at Apple. He’ll never stop criticizing the company and exposing its dark sides, until finally there are rumors that the company is about to introduce its own fully autonomous vehicle. is planning and it will be the biggest competitor to Elon Musk.

This project is known as Project Titan which is in very early stage, Apple has started working on Project Titan, which is a secret project using few personnel and external resources, for which they had to work in 2014. I had to work.

This amazing project with over a thousand staff members, they built an electric car in a classified facility near their Cupertino headquarters, Apple is receiving funding for autonomous vehicles Google and other tech giants are also working Yes, business organizations are using AI and Machine Learning.

Self-driving vehicle component target detection Apple is a technology superpower, other businesses are following in its footsteps, but this is important because Apple has abundant monetary resources to conduct research and development, other technology in the smartphone market The giants were there before Apple got involved but the company introduced technology that was so unique and user-friendly.

The conclusion is that it revolutionized the field for over a decade, it would probably be a tremendous success if Apple could achieve the same feat with a vehicle, all of these considerations have made Elon Musk very conscious that They already have a lot going on with GM. and other competitors. Even he is already in a state of confrontation with Joe Biden.

All these muskets are not on a platform to take on this fierce competition it is also true that if apple enters this market it will really change it again i.e. musket has something to break apple in automobile industry Another reason Musk keeps taking a jibe at Apple is that he also wants to be the leader of the smartphone industry.

Elon Musk has launched a Tesla phone which is one of a kind, it has some incredible features and a great camera which entices the customers but the customers are still not ready to change their preferences as Apple has released the iPhone to the public. A tool has been developed for Have worked day and night to create the need Alan Musk has worked hard in the new Tesla phone.

They have included both SpaceX and Neuralink in the phone, not only will it charge from solar power Elon Musk said smartphones are the technology of tomorrow Neuralink will undoubtedly make the current Tesla phone more than just a smartphone and all the other phones Musk plans to make Made to make it obsolete. They will have more excellent options, they just need to think of anything.

Elon Musk has a grand vision that won’t be difficult to execute, persuading people to buy such advanced technology is all he’ll need to break Apple’s power.

1 thought on “Elon Musk Just EXPOSED Apple And The iPhone!”

  1. Elon Musk the future innovator That makes Happened. This is the leadership we need. In order to go forward into the future. Once again. Elon musk…


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